Thursday Session Details – Pyramids at Gershwin

8 November 2017 - By David Jobling

After meet at Witham Leisure Centre we’ll head off this week to the Gershwin location where after our usual dynamic stretches and final warm ups we’ll be doing our efforts around the lake there.

It’s a Pyramid session with intervals of 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 & 1 minute sections so this week we’ll be varying and mixing it up with some shorter and slightly longer distances.

Recoveries will be 1 minute after every interval except after the longer 4 minute blocks when the recoveries will be 2 minutes, so the recovery sequence will be minutes of 1 1 1 2 2 1 & 1.

Suggested pacing is sub 5k pace or quicker than Tuesday pace, although any in weekend action at Stebbing may just want to take it easy and hold back on the gas.

We’ll have a few technical points of focus for you during the session, and there’ll be somewhere to leave drinks & layers during the session.

A timing device will help you with the session but we’ll whistle (we’ll position ourselves away from houses) to signal the end/start of each segment – if you do have opportunity to get the session programmed into your Garmin or other device it would help others and your coaching teams delivery of the session – the segments are as above so 20 minutes efforts, 9 recovery = 29 minutes total session main part.

Tracey and I look forward to meeting up with you all on Thursday. DJ

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