Thursday Session 17/11 800m reps
16 November 2016 - By David Jobling
It’s another of our 800m distance interval/repetition sessions this week which will be familiar to many members and a solid core session intro to “Thursdays” if you’ve not come along before and are looking for a taster.
Meet 1930 please Witham Leisure Centre for our session intro before heading off to Eastways for our easy warm up run, dynamic stretches & drills.
The main session itself will then consist of 30 minutes of 800m interval/repetition sessions at equal pacing with standing/moving recoveries, between our usual starting point to 800m up the road just past the end of the rail line bridge on the bend – and back again, and again etc for approx 30 mins.
Ideally consistent pacing should be sub 5k and sub chatter pace” and quicker than “Tuesday” pace – I’ll have a pacing chart for reference should you need to figure your own individual 800m time target to get inside from your 5k time.
Running at sub 5k pace, technical skill focus will be on arm drive and not crossing centre line – so pockets, sockets and zipline to think about! More on Thursday!!
Recovery time guidance is approx half of the effort duration. So if you cover the 800m in:
4.30 mins, or 9.00 min/mile pace, recovery 2.00 mins
4.00 mins, or 8.00 min/mile pace, recovery 1.45-2.00
3.30 mins, or 7.00 min/mile pace, recovery 1.30-1.45
3.00 mins, or 6.00 min/mile pace, recovery 1.30
2.30 mins, or 5.00 min/mile pace, recovery 1.15-1.30
Graham and I will help with timing/recoveries for the different groups where possible, a running stopwatch or device will help you with the session – the “measured” runs are pretty much spot on the distance so you can program the 800m interval/repetition distance into your Garmin/TomTom/Suunto or whatever, pick your recovery time, set your session duration or something like that…. and you’re good to go?
Anyone running Chelmsford 10k would probably want to back off on the pace a bit and save yourself for Sunday, also ditto anyone recovering from injury or time off which please advise to one of your coaching team.
We will have a car at session base camp for you to leave items/drinks/layers during the session
Looking forward to meeting up for our session Thursday. DJ & G
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