The Hurdlemakers Arms Pub run, 02/08/2022, 7pm

1 August 2022 - By James Attenborough

Following requests from a number of members, here’s another new one for us to try this year.

The website is here: The Hurdlemakers Arms 

I know I plan to check out the menu when I get there, hopefully some others of you will too.

Routes wise, whilst there is a road option, I am informed by Andy Lager who has very kindly sorted both routes out this week that it’s a bit “dodgy” for the first and last quarter of a mile and it’s an out and back. So whilst you are of course free to run it, the trail route is the recommended one.

There is a car park but again please car share where possible as the road parking seems limited.

The trail route 5.3 miles is here:

I have added the narrative to the routes section of the website and Mr Lager has kindly recced the route and cleared overhanging brambles for us!

The road route 5.6 miles is here:

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