Pub runs!
26 January 2016 - By Stewart Waller
Well, despite the blustery conditions we had a surprisingly good turnout for our Tuesday night run from the Oaklands Inn.
Those who decided to give it a miss missed out on a dry but slightly breezy run and a jolly get together afterwards with twenty members staying on for a meal plus a few more for a drink afterwards. Probably one of the better value meals we have experienced and certainly no complaints from the ‘steak and ale pie’ brigade! Definitely worth another visit.
See you next Tuesday back at the FC.
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The sausage and mash weren’t three bad either.
Did anyone else turn the corner into the football club car park and have that sinking feeling of recalling the ‘pub run next Tuesday’ announcement at last weeks meet… No? Just me then 🙁
I bet you found a car parking space though with lack of runners! ;-(
It always pays to pay attention Andy and especially as we were in Notley!