Pub runs – The Wheatsheaf

8 June 2018 - By Stewart Waller

Our return, after several years, to The Wheatsheaf in Hatfield Peveral attracted a large number of members although, as appears the norm this year, the actual number staying on for food has not reached the levels witnessed last summer. However, 20 did so and found that the food was excellent particularly the liver and bacon apparently! Not sure why numbers are down but I welcome any feed back. (Incidentally if you wonder why I’m such a geek about such things it’s because we are dependent upon the goodwill of the various licencees who we visit. We fill their car parks and make use of their plumbing so they expect something in return. No pubs – no pub runs!).

Next week we are at the seaside. Ok, not quite but The Old Ship at Heybridge Basin (CM9 4RX) is as close as we will get. Taking in the sea wall and the Chelmer and Blackwater Navigation Canal it makes for an interesting run but be warned, paths are,in parts, either very uneven under foot or very narrow – or both!

Parking is in the large Daisy Meadow Car Park well sign posted on the right as you approach the village. I’m also advised that the pub kitchen closes at 8.50 so make sure you order food before the run and be back soon!

See you there.


  1. James Crisp James Crisp says:

    Numbers might have been down due to the Summer 5k (another pub) in the same week. The Landlord at the Wheatsheaf seemed very keen and a good host though from what I saw from the outside of the pub.

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