Payment For Items By Members

23 February 2016 - By David Jobling

Many thanks to those of you who were involved in testing the online payment function for our fantastic new club website. Since its launch a number of you have successfully made payments for real and this function is fully operational and available to all within the member area. Our aim is that all members will use this way of paying for all transactions moving forward.

Most members have now accessed the members area on the WRC website, members can login easily via the login link and reset their password using the registered email address and ‘Forgot password’ link underneath the login box. Additional family members may be set up to ‘pay for items’ and comment on posts by request via the Contact page.

Members may pay for a range of items, including subs when due/VLM coach/kit and other items, via our website using debit card or all major credit cards – minimising and hopefully replacing the need for existing internet transfer arrangements, cash or cheque payments.

Paying this way, you will receive an automated and customised WRC email receipt to confirm the transaction detailing any payment taken from you and an email will also automatically be generated to the person at WRC looking after that particular area to notify them of the payment – as such you won’t need to let anyone know separately by another means you have made a payment and you won’t need to ask for a receipt.

Hopefully all members will be able to make payments this way, our thanks to Crispy and the project team of members at the club who put a lot of time and work into delivering our new website incorporating this payment mechanism, based on feedback of what members wanted, so for that reason and the expense involved it’s something we should all try to use, please?

Many thanks. DJ

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