(Not on) Boxing Day 5 Marshals and volunteers briefing at 9

24 December 2021 - By Bill smythe

Thank you to all who have volunteered to help this year. Please see below final positions. I will be asking for all runners to wear a face covering when inside the rugby club so please bring one with you. Marshal briefing at 9.

Boxing Day 5 Volunteer Requirements
Race Director 08:00 Bill Smythe
Chief Marshal 08:00 Liz Prior Pudding 09:00 Vicki Riley
Lead Course setup 08:00 Tony Wallen
Course Marshals HQ (In and Out) setup
A 09:00 Clive Smith A 08:00 Marc Underdown
B 09:00 Matt Jordan B 08:00 Lysia Jiggins
C 09:00 Andrew Read C 08:00 Paul Jiggins
D 09:00 Leo Cole D 08:00 Suzie Low
E 09:00 Kevin Slattery
F 09:00 Anthony Smith Post Finish
G 09:00 Shane Ketteridge Water 09:00 Angela Read
H 09:00 Tom Warman Water 09:00 Sarah Naughton
I 09:00 James Attenborough Water 09:00 Clarice Sanderson
J 09:00 Rob Frost Water 09:00 Sasha
K 09:00 Andy Watson Water 09:00 Jodee Mayer
L 09:00 Andy Lager
M 09:00 David Mason Runner registration
N 09:00 James Montgomery 1 car Number Collection A 09:00 Angela Read
O 09:00 Peter Banks Number Collection B 09:00 Sarah Naughton
P 09:00 Nicola Digby Number Collection C 09:00 Clarice Sanderson
Q 09:00 Leanne Andrews Number Collection D 09:00 Sasha
R 09:00 Ian Lucas 1 Car Late Entries 09:00 Jodee Mayer
S 09:00 Louisa Looby
T 09:00 Nick Looby Course Set Up Tony Wallen
U 09:00 Gerry Greenwold A 08:00 Scott Darney
V 09:00 Simon Cresswell B 08:00 Dave Jobling
W – START/FINISH 09:00 Celine C 08:00 David Carey
X – START/FINISH 09:00 Gary Elson D 08:00 Peter Coates
Y – START/FINISH 08:00 Dave Jobling E 08:00 Mark Austin
Z – START/FINISH 08:00 Peter Coates F 08:00
Road to Rugby club 08:00 David Carey
Lead Colsey
Lead Bike 09:00 Trevor A 08:00 Mike Struthers
Tail Runner 09:00 Ann Johnson B 08:00 Ross Silverton
C 08:00 Jon Shippey
D 08:00
Kitchen Tea & Coffee E 08:00
A 09:00 Sue Shippey F 08:00
B 09:00 Hilary Curtis
C 09:00 Katie Layley Baggage 08:30 Jo Smythe
D 09:00 08:30 Mike Forty
08:30 Anita Grainger
Photographer 08:45 David Grainger


Ref Location Function
Marshall A Blunts Hall Road/Stevens Rd Stop Vehicles from Stevens Rd
Marshall B Blunts Hall Road/Spinks Lane Stop Vehicles from Blunts Hall
Marshall C Blunts Hall Road/Spinks Lane Stop Vehicles from Spinks Lane Road closure phone Liz P
Marshall D Highfields Road/Cuppers Close Stop Vehicles from Cuppers Close
Marshall E Highfields Road/Guithavon Road Stop Vehicles from Guithavon Road
Marshall F Highfields Road/Spa Road Stop Vehicles from Highfields Road  / Direct into driveway Change direction of sign
Marshall G Spa Road/Humber Road Stop Vehicles from Humber Road / Junction with FC
Marshall H Spa Road / entrance to shops Stop Vehicles from juntion of Spa Rd shops
Marshall I Spa Road/Powers Hall End (Roundabout) Direct Runners Along Flora Road
Marshall J Flora Road/Powers Hall End (Roundabout) Stop Vehicles from Powers Hall End
Marshall K Flora Road/Powers Hall End (Roundabout) Stop Vehicles from Powers Hall End
Marshall L Flora Road/Powers Hall End (Roundabout) Stop Vehicles from Powers Hall End
Marshall M Flora Road/Rosebay Close Stop Vehicles from Rosebay Close
Marshall N Faulkbourne Road/Powers Hall End Slow Vehicles from Faulkbourne Road
Marshall O Faulkbourne Road/Powers Hall End Direct Runners left onto Faulkbourne Rd
Marshall P Queen Vic Pub
Marshall Q Queen Vic Pub Stop Vehicles from Terling Road
Marshall R Terling Road/Peg Millers Lane Direct Runners & Stop Vehicles Peg Millers
Marshall S Terling Road/Dancing Dicks Direct Runners & Stop Vehicles Terling Rd
Marshall T Dancing Dicks right hand bend Direct runners to stay on left side First 10 runners send text
Marshall U Dancing Dicks/Blunts Hall Road Direct Runners & Stop Vehicles
Marshall V Blunts Hall Road right hand bend Direct runners to stay on left side
Marshall’s Times
09:00 Brief
9:30 Marshalls A, B & C
9:45 All Marshalls in Position


  1. Nicola Digby Nicola Digby says:

    Thanks Bill. Do we just turn up at the rugby club at the allocated time and will be told what to do from there?

  2. Sasha Rush sasha rush says:

    Hi Nicola, turn up for the time shown at the rugby club, merry Christmas, see you there xx

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