Membership Update

5 January 2016 - By Martyn Byford

Great news on membership as we now stand at 199 Senior Members with 3 newcomers joining us in the past 4 days, which with 2 months of our year to go exceeds last year’s previous best of 191.

Talking of records, the first Tuesday Club Session of 2016 saw 74 in attendance which unsurprisingly was the best so far this year!!!

In addition to some `genuine’ newbies it was also great to see a couple of returning ex members so a big welcome back to Deb and Charlotte Cutler and Paul Nicholls.

Hopefully we will see everyone back again next week or perhaps on Thursday.



  1. James Crisp says:

    If only we had 200 when the London ballot places were being handed out we would have received 2 club places! 😉

  2. David Howard David Howard says:

    Don’t forget with the EA licence you normally get £2 of each race entry more than 6 races in a year and your money is recouped.

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