May Day 5 – please help!

19 April 2016 - By Marc Underdown

It is now less than a fortnight until the May Day 5 race. Lots of you have come forward which I really appreciate, but ideally I could still do with three or four more people. Therefore if you’ve never been on the non-running side of a race before this is a perfect opportunity, and for you to help the club make the race go successfully. Please let me know as soon as possible.

Separately, like at the Boxing Day 5 race, we will be having a cake sale which offers runners some sustenance and helps to raise a little bit more money, which in turn means we can make a larger donation to charity. Therefore I’m looking for your kind assistance if any of you could make a cake(s) to bring along on the day. If you could let me know if you can help that would be great so i have an idea of cake numbers!

Many thanks, Marc


  1. Mark Amner says:

    HI Marc, I’m not sure if you have already received my note, but I would like to offer my volunteering services for MD5.

    Mark Amner

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