May Day 10
2 May 2022 - By Marc Underdown
As I reflect on todays event, I am still amazed and humbled by how supportive our members were today in helping the club host the May Day 10, including the Essex Championships.
We were thrown a few curve balls this morning, but it was thanks to many of you that these were overcome with flexibility and resilience. Many of you went above and beyond. Everyone should be very proud of their input to the race. There has been nothing but good comments and feedback so far, and these reflect on everyone.
I have to call out a few people who not only did a great today today but have also been instrumental in all the prep work. Jason and Natalie Lilley have been so helpful in so many ways are are now experts in the number production. Andrew Read shared a few stresses with me about when the water would arrive, and made numerous calls and visits to ensure we got it. And DJ continues to be a superstar with taking care of ordering signs, T-shirts, numbers, etc as well as helping in so many other ways.
Today will mark my final time race directing for at least a long while, bookmarking May Day 5 in 2017 being the Essex Championship race, and two May Day 10‘s in 2018 and 2019. Even though we have learnt from each of these races and improved the next one, we can still learn. We welcome any feedback on what your thought could be improved, so the next race Director can take the ideas on.
I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their bank holiday. I’ll definitely be enjoying one or two beers!
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