London Marathon rejection slips

2 October 2017 - By Marc Underdown

I know that lots of members entered the London marathon ballot, and as of today letters have started hitting the mats advising if you were successful. The reality of the numbers will mean only a minority are likely to be successful in the ballot. However if you receive a “Sorry” magazine, all is not lost.

As a consequence of being affiliated to English Athletics we will receive two places to award to our members. We also have a third place to award this year.

More details will follow, but for now if you received a rejection slip hold on to it as it might come in use!

If your result came via email, please either print the email, or forward it to me if you have my address.


  1. Sylvia Bullen-Bell Sylvia Bullen-Bell says:

    Still not heard yet. 🙁

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