Last call London Marathon Coach

15 September 2022 - By Rachel O'Leary

Comment here or let me know if you are considering coming on the coach to the London Marathon? We are going to offer the remaining places to the public at the weekend so want to make sure every member who wants a seat has one 🙂

Current booked people:

Bethany Taylor
Bethany Shippey
Kevin Slattery
Karen Flowers
Kerry Townsend
Kerry Townsend
Shane Ketteridge
Natalie Lilley
Sarah Naughton
Sasha Rush
Jenny Layley
Jenny Layley
Jodee Mayer
Rachel O’Leary
Peter Coates
haydeh safavi
haydeh safavi
Peter Banks
kerry Townsend
kerry Townsend
kerry Townsend
kerry Townsend
Ben O’leary
Chris Martin
Paul Gardener
Lorraine Mills
Mark Lawes
Kevin Lagan
Richard Garrett
Mark Austin
Sasha Rush
Scott Darney
Michelle Walker
Michelle Walker
Morven Hurding
Charlie Pridmore
Charlie Pridmore



  1. Peter Banks Peter Banks says:

    Good afternoon.
    Is it possible to post a list of members who are confirmed as going for peace of mind that their name is down.
    Apologies if it’s already on FB but I’m not on FB.
    Cheers. Pete.

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