John Roberts 5k Race 3 29/6/23-Final Instructions

28 June 2023 - By Annalise Tye

The stage is set for John Roberts 5k Race 3 on 20/06 at 19:30….

A final reminder to those that missed our last post, that the handicap finale has been moved to 13th July, see General Info post for details.

The Runners

The location is (as usual) The Angel in Kelvedon, CO5 9AN. There is limited parking available, please car share where possible. You can also park on the surrounding roads where available. Registration will be 6:45-7:15pm, to allow for 5 minute jog/10 minute walk to the start line for the race start at 7:30pm. Please bring your numbers from prior races if you have them. Scroll down for the course map, with every junction being marshaled. It is a (quiet) open road course, so be mindful of cars.

Please note this is your last opportunity to qualify for the handicap finale. If you are new/won’t be able to run 2 qualifying races, you can still participate in this race, but can’t run the finale on 13/07.

Please pre-order any food before the race starts. The menu is here, and it would be great if we could stay and support the pub, at least for a drink afterwards (non-/alcoholic).

The Volunteers

As always, a massive thank you and salute to you all for giving up your time and energy to make these events run. Special shout out to those that stepped up last minute!

Course set-up:

  • Steven Alder
  • DJ
  • David Carey
  • Ian Lucas

Please arrive at the Angel by 6pm to pick up the kit required.

Registration and start/finish timing:

  • Rachel & Laurie O’Leary-extra points for our youngest volunteer to date!
  • Liz Stuckey
  • Annalise Tye

Please get to the Angel for 6:40pm to register runners before the race and set up the club flags. We’ll walk to the start to set runners off, then mark them back across the finish line, including times.

Set-up and registration volunteers can also participate in the race.

Course marshals:

  • Ann Johnson (marshal A)
  • Maggie Mason (marshal A)
  • Dean Whittaker (marshal B)
  • Clive Smith (marshal B)
  • Dan Griffiths (marshal C)
  • Beth Shippey (marshal C)
  • Monty (marshal D)
  • Theresa M (marshal D)
  • Mark Austin (marshal E)
  • Celine Elson (marshal E)
  • Andrew Read (marshal F)
  • Angela Read (marshal F)

Meet first at The Angel entrance to pick up a high-vis vest and wire cutters between 6:45 and 7:15pm. Please get onto your course position before 7:30pm (or you’ll bump into the runners). There should be an experienced marshal at each point to ensure you’re at the correct location, and to know where to park. Please car share to get to and from your marshal point.  You’ll be directing runners around the course, warn for cars and collect signs and bring back to Race HQ after the last runner.

Any questions, as always reach out.

We look forward to seeing you all!


Your captains, Annalise & Jodee

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