5 December 2016 - By Rachel Pearsons

Oh that dreaded word!! Us runners shiver when that word is used as we know potentially what that means……………………..NO RUNNING!!! The thought of that is just unbearable!!

However, from time to time we do get injured. Sometimes (and mostly!!) from overtraining and not allowing your body recover by resting. Those ‘little niggles’ should not be ignored as this is your body’s way of saying something is wrong. Running should be pain free! So, how do we best handle the injured runner?????

The first and most important piece of advice I could ever give a runner is to go and seek professional advice. We can all consult Dr Google, but the truth is there is no substitution for seeking advice from a qualified person with experience. I usually find speaking to a trained professional who either runs themselves, used to run or is heavily involved currently with running are going to provide you with the best advice. They understand what it is like not to be able to run, so will try and get you back on your feet as quickly as possible.

So having got this advice, what to do now?!?!? Well, listen to it of course!! There is no point sneaking a “little run” in and it being okay because “it was only short and slow” as this just won’t help your injury. If the advice is not to run then it’s simple!! You just don’t run!!! There are lots of other ways in which you can maintain your fitness, so ask your physio/professional person for advice.

I always say that prevention is better than cure. Is it time to have a sports massage?!? Do your trainers need replacing? When was the last time you had a full rest day? Don’t forget, rest is part of your training!

Remember to stay warm, keep safe, and listen to your body. But most of all enjoy your running!!


  1. James Crisp James Crisp says:

    I guess the most difficult question to answer is “How do I know when I’ve rested my body long enough to return to running?”

    • Rachel Pearsons says:

      Yes that is a difficult question. But if you see your physio regularly then they should be able to advise you on that. So if they say no running for 4 weeks’ then that’s what you do. And the sensible thing to do is to return gradually. Build up the distance and speed at a steady rate and then you should be fine. Always listen to your body. If you are tired, rest. If it hurts, don’t do it.

  2. Paul Chandler Paul Chandler says:

    Stress Fracture
    well the most important…! lf it hurts……. stop running on it…!
    Seek help…! Rest…! Recovery….! Get a X-ray…! Eat the right foods to encourage your recovery…! Google it….! you will be surprised…!
    lesson learnt for me…! Don’t finish your Marathon….!
    6-8 weeks in a boot…! total rest…! Nightmare…!
    Believe me very frustrating doing nothing…!

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