Howard Williams
28 March 2017 - By Brigid Wallen
To most of you, the name Howard Williams is just a trophy awarded each year for the best road race in Essex.
To a few of us oldies, we will know the name Howard Williams as the organiser of both the Essex road and cross country championships and also County Secretary. He took on this role for over 30 years.
When he finally stepped down from his various Essex duties about 10 years ago, it took a whole committee to replace him.
In the days before the Internet and chip-timing, Howard would type up the results on his trusty typewriter and a few days after the race, an envelope would appear on your doormat. The lines may have been wonky but the results were never incorrect!
Sadly Howard passed away last Saturday after a long illness. His legacy lives on in Essex Endurance running and we remember him fondly.
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