Halstead Marathon – 8th May 2022

6 April 2022 - By Stewart Waller

I’ll be in touch about final arrangements for our water station as soon as I have confirmation from HRR but, in the meantime, if you intended to enter the race I’m advised that it is nearly full so don’t delay!

If you run I can guarantee you a very noisy reception as you pass us by – twice!


  1. Leo Cole says:

    Hi Stew
    Not sure if you know but, will my entry from 2020 have been rolled forward to this year given that the event didn’t run in either 2020 or 2021? I cannot find any definite confirmation of this anywhere on the Halstead website and haven’t had a reply when I tried to e mail them for clarification? I originally got tickets from Etch Rock ltd for 2020 and so would have presumed that these are still valid?

  2. Leo Cole says:

    Ignore the above – me being dim! I’ve found the re issued tickets now in my e mail archives so all is well 🙂

  3. Stewart Waller Stewart Waller says:

    Look forward to seeing you Leo – if only briefly!

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