Halstead Marathon
30 April 2018 - By Stewart Waller
A quick reminder that we still need volunteers to help out at our water station at the Halstead marathon on the 13th May. I know that it’s very soon after the May Day 10, where you may also be helping, but it is a fun day out with club championship points available as well!
I will do a ‘final briefing’ posting nearer the day but in the meantime if you would like to get involved please let either myself or the chairman know. I will be at the Green Dragon Tuesday evening for our second Summer (?) Pub Run.
Hope to see you there.
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Hi Stew, I can help at the water station at the Halstead marathon.
Hi Stewart, I can help at the Halstead water station.
I’ll be there Stewart 🙂
Can I order no rain please?