Halstead Marathon 14th May
5 May 2023 - By Stewart Waller
Once again many thanks to those who have volunteered to help out at our water station on the 14th especially as there have been so many events lately where your input has been required. If you haven’t yet put your name forward it’s not too late – club championship points are available!
Can we all please meet at Halstead Leisure Centre, which is in Colne Road (CO9 2HR) at about 9am. Car parking for marshals is located in the grounds of the adjacent school. It will be sign posted. We can then car share to get to the water station, where there is very limited parking space, in plenty of time to set up.
Unfortunately there will not be any ‘T’ shirts this year so I suggest that you might want to wear Witham colours. In addition, the weather forecast shows sunshine and showers so, to state the “bleedin obvious”, please come prepared and don’t forget your own food and drink.
It’s always a good day out where we can help and cheer on the runners including, of course, our own members taking on this challenging course.
I look forward to seeing you there.
- Karen Flowers
- Shane Ketteridge
- Céline
- Sarah Naughton
- Sasha
- Maxine Leech
- Annalise Tye
- Andrew Read
- Jodee Mayer
- Jenny Layley
- Owen Dare
- Kerry Townsend
- Colsey
- Natalie Lilley
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