Halstead and Essex Marathon – instructions for water station

4 May 2017 - By Stewart Waller

Many thanks to all those who have volunteered to help out at our water station this coming Sunday. Our friends at Halstead Road Runners really appreciate the assistance we give and in return you will have a great few hours supporting the runners on the two lap course a few of whom you might just recognise!

For those who know the location of the station you can, if you want, go straight to it. If you have not been there before then it might be an idea to meet up at Halstead Leisure Centre which is in Colne Road CO9 2HR.

There is an exclusive marshals car park situated at the adjoining school. As parking at the station is a bit restricted we can then go there using as few cars as possible. Please meet by 9am at the latest or be at the station by 9.45.

Stating the b….. obvious be prepared for all weather conditions and don’t forget your own refreshments. You can expect to be there for about four hours max.

Any problems let me know; if not see you there.

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