Gosfield XC
10 December 2017 - By Marc Underdown
Here is an explanation from Halstead RR as to the reasons for the cancellation and why it was made at the time it was. I’m sure you will agree was the right decision.
“Sorry to cancel at such late notice but after waking up to rain and sleet, the snow fell heavily from about 8:00 and ended up 10-15cm deep. When we walked the woods to remove all the tape, the weight of snow had brought one tree down across the route and all the way round, there were branches hanging across the paths at about 4 feet from the ground, so it would have been impossible to run. I also had several marshals who couldn’t get to the venue because their cars were stuck.
If it had come a couple of hours earlier, I could have cancelled before leaving the house but thank goodness it didn’t come a bit later or you would all have been snowed in at Gosfield School! Halstead was gridlocked with vehicles stuck on all the hills so I hope everyone got home safely.”
March 11 is the reserve date, and Halstead will be making the plans to hold the race on this date is possible.
I know that many of you have enjoyed a run in the snow today. Obviously I’ll keep an eye on the weather, but with slightly higher temperatures forecast I’m hoping the snow will have thawed by Tuesday.
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