Good Luck Ladies

16 December 2015 - By Tony Wallen

Good luck to 5 WRC members who will be heading down to the South coast this weekend for one final marathon before Christmas.

Becky, Claire, Emma, Jo and Tracey have been training hard and will be flying the Witham colours on Sunday morning at the Portsmouth  Coastal Waterside Marathon.

I notice some of the event extras at the feed stations include mulled wine, brandy and rum….  enjoy!!



  1. Emma Sweeney says:

    Thank you Brigid for the lovely message of luck. I’m not sure I’ve been training as hard as the others but I will be with them all enjoying the festive water station delights! Emma x

  2. Clare Morrison says:

    Thanks for the good luck Brigid! I think the biggest challenge will be keeping Mrs Smythe off the rum at the water stations “you can take the girl out of the Navy…” 🙂

  3. Graham Eyre Graham Eyre says:

    Becky, Claire, Emma, Jo and Tracey, we wish you all the very best for Sunday. Have a great day and get round safely without being breathalysed!
    Claire & Graham xx

  4. James Crisp James Crisp says:

    Have a great run girls – can you post your fundraising link on here please?

  5. Becky Grimwood Rebecca Barnes says:

    Thanks for the good luck messages xx
    James our fundraising page is this –
    I don’t think it’s quite sunk in that is this Sunday yet! X

  6. Shelley Enders says:

    The best of luck to you all ladies! Large amounts of admiration coming your way from the Enders’ household, will be thinking of you. Go girls! xxx

  7. Anita Grainger Anita Grainger says:

    Best of luck ladies, wishing you all a great race, enjoy the water stations….. & the post race proseco!

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