Friday Night’s Braintree Track Session – Seconds and Minutes – 7.15 start

31 August 2017 - By Martyn Byford

Due to The Essex Way Relay Sunday our first evening Track Session.

A prompt 7.15 start please due to lighting, this week will consist the normal 2 x 20 minute blocks both time based.

Block One will consist of 6 x 30 seconds, 6x 60 seconds with 1 minute jog/powerwalk recovery between each.

The pace for these should be quicker than your 5k pace and you should not be able to hold any conversation. Around 85% of your sprint max concentrating on an upright posture making good use of your arms to generate power.

Then a well earned 3 minute recovery

Block Two will consist  a 2, 3, 4, 3, 2 minute pyramid with static recovery of half time of effort between each so 1.00, 1.30, 2.00, 1.30.

A slightly longer time rep which should be run slightly quicker than your 5k where any conversation limited to the odd word. Please remember posture, opposite arm opposite leg and to bang those nails into the wall with your elbows ( a demonstration will be given!)

A short jog recovery with statics will conclude the session.

Please pay the £2.95 at reception( if you belong to Fusion its free) and proceed to the track and commence a 2/3 lap warm up.

I look forward to seeing you on Friday.


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