The Flitch Marathon – Good luck guys

31 December 2015 - By Martyn Byford

We have three intrepid, some would say brave, guys running the Flitch Way Marathon from The Discovery Centre this morning.
Best wishes to James Crisp, Andy Lager and Terry Alabaster who head off down the former Braintree to Bishop Stortford Railway Line at 10am on the out and back course.
Hopefully yesterday’s torrential rain will not make conditions too muddy although Terry’s recent off road ultra marathons will stand him in good stead.
A few of us hope to get over to Braintree to see the boys come in.


  1. James Crisp says:

    Great to see you at the finish line. Thanks Martyn, Penny and Walls for the support at the end!! Looking forward to a drink now. Happy New Year

  2. Brigid Wallen says:

    Well done to James, Andy and Terry. Although conditions were bright and sunny, it was still windy which must have made it hard work in places.
    Results as follows:
    James 3:31
    Andy 3:37
    Terry 4:20

    Congratulations to you all. Maybe a marathon for some of our members to consider to end this year?

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