Festive Parkruns & the NYD Double with a Twist

1 January 2017 - By Anita Grainger



A number of WRC runners took part in parkruns over the festive period having a choice of Christmas eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve and New Years Day.

With the added bonus of potential double parkruns on New Years Day, due to staggered start times, a few of our members doubled up, with Heydon Mizon taking it that one step further by not only doing the double, but running in between Notley and Chelmsford with a group of likeminded speedy runners. The runners had just over an hour to cover the 10 miles between the two venues and I understand the ‘A team’ made it to a warm welcome from Chelmsford with the ‘B team’ arriving 10minutes after Chelmsford kicked off and played catch up chasing down runners from the back of the field.

 Well done Heydon!  What a fantastic achievement and also to the following NYD double parkrunners Leo Cole, Kev Harper & Geoff Reddin who ran both Maldon and Chelmsford Parkruns.

Congratulations also to Brigid Lager who completed her 100th Parkrun on New Years Eve. Well done Brigid!

 Details of our festive parkrunners can be round on in the useful links below



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