Feedback on Tuesday start times

4 April 2022 - By Elizabeth Prior

Pre-covid we used to meet at 7:30pm and would start the run shortly after. After restrictions eased, the meet time was changed to 6:30pm as very few people were commuting however as time went on we noticed attendance levels gradually dropping as people returned to their usual commutes. We ran a survey in May 2021 to understand our members availability and preferences which resulted in the start time being changed to 7pm.  A year on, it’s about time to rerun the survey to make sure we’re still meeting our members needs!

Like last time, we’d like to understand our members preferences as well as their needs. The first question asks what times you’re able to make and the second question asks what time you would prefer.

Here is the link to the poll

The survey closes next Tuesday at midnight and the committee will discuss the results.

Thank you!


  1. Mike Struthers says:

    I am happy to leave the Tuesday start at 7.00PM

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