Essex Champs 2018 – Wix 5 now open for entries

4 December 2017 - By Anita Grainger

Wix 5 has now been announced as the 5 mile race for the 2018 Essex Road Championships on Sunday 21st October

Click on the link below to enter. I have been advised the race is open to affiliated runners ( those with an EA licence) first and will then be opened up to the public on 31st Jan…. another good reason to buy a race licence.

This completes the series of 5 races that comprise of the Essex Road championship, see my post below form 16th November for further information

For the eagle eyed you may have noticed that Harwich Road Relays are now open, if you are interested please use the team event entry . Bill & I will post more nearer the time after BD5 and the Senior XC championships have been run.

Essex Road Championship Information and 2018 dates Inc. Essex Road Relays

16 November 2017 – By Anita Grainger

Following on from the success of the 2017 championships here’s more information about the championships as a refresher for members and guidance for new members…. so recycling my posts from Feb & March this year……

2018 Road  Championship Race Dates

20 Miles –Rochford (4 March) – entries now sold out

10km – Bromley 8th April – entries almost sold out!

Marathon – Halstead (13 May)

Half Marathon – Pleshey (16 September) – due to open in April

10 Miles – Tiptree 10 October 14th – not open yet

5 Miles – TBC

If you have places for these races that you no longer want or if you’d like a place let me know & I can run a waiting list for WRC as I’ve done for other Essex Champs races

Other Essex Road Championships

Essex Road Relays – Harwich (Sat 24th March) -entries open 1st Dec 2017 & close on 3rd march 2018 – entries via the team entry link

Scoring Information

The Championships are held annually over 6 distances; 5M, 10K, 10M, Half Marathon, 20M and Marathon.

At each of the championship races medals are awarded for the first 3 in each age category and the first 3 teams in both Ladies and Mens. Teams are made up of 3 runners in finish order

Over the race series points are awarded for the first 25 in each age category of each race. These points are totted up after the last race and medals awarded to the first three in each age category overall.

The following trophies are awarded to the winners of each distance as follows:

Distance Men’s Trophy Ladies’ Trophy

The points scoring is as follows:

Points awarded for the best 5 races out of the 6 – runners can “drop” their worst race score.

  1. The “attendance” point system remains (1 point for doing 1 of the races, an additional 2 points for the 2nd, etc up to 5 points for the 5/6th race). In total a runner could get 15 points by doing 5 races (1,2,3,4,5). The attendance points will only apply to age categories (not the open category);
  2. “Position” points to the top 25 runners in each category remain – 1st gets 25 points down to 25th gets 1 point.
  3. All races will score the same (no additional points for the longer races)


DON’T FORGET: Race Licences and selecting Essex qualified when entering are required to take part!

WRC missed has previously missed out on medals in 2016 as a result of not selecting Essex qualified which is a shame. This is why I go on about it so much and look at the entry lists for the races & tend to make friends with the race directors 🙂

What does Essex qualified mean?  

The criteria is to either have been born in Essex or have been an Essex resident for at least 9 months. In addition you cannot have competed in another county’s championship in the same year (eg. Suffolk / Kent, etc). Race licences are also a must



Link to Road Championship page on Essex Athletics Site

Link to Grand Prix tables

Essex Road Relays

Any questions please ask Bill & I.

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