Cross Country Training – Saturday 9am Gosfield Recreation Ground CO9 1TL

12 October 2017 - By Martyn Byford

With XC just a couple of weeks away why not dust off those spikes/studs for a 40 minute session over traditional XC terrain across ploughed field, through woodland and around the lakes of Gosfield.

If so, please arrive at the Recreation Ground for 9am then we will jog the 1/2 mile into the Nature Reserve for some brisk drills before embarking on a testing circuit of just under a mile embracing a ploughed field including a small sharpe climb before disappearing into woods for a circuit around the Lakes and back to the start.

After 20 minutes a well earned refreshment break and debrief before completing another couple of circuits.

For those of you that attended two weeks ago, it is the same long circuit.

I will be around the course offering `encouragement’ and for those new to XC some tips on navigating the terrain.

Suitable for everyone , this is not a race but a training session to become reacquainted or acquainted with the challenges of XC terrain and to try out that footwear. Spikes/ Studs would be preferable and you can change in to those once we get to the Reserve where your trainers and refreshments can be left.

Afterwards for those that want a coffee/tea and cake this will be available free of charge at Gosfield’s Premier Coffee  Shop in the Reserve.

I look forward to seeing you Saturday when the forecast is predicting a mini heatwave.


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