Club Standards

6 January 2022 - By Colin Short

Hi All

I am in the process of completing the standards awards winners. I do have a list but would appreciate it if you think you are a recipient of an award to please let me know by next weekend so that I don’t miss anybody out! If you are unsure of the criteria please Click Here for more details.

The awards are usually presented at the club’s presentation evening or if you can’t make that it will be the AGM. It will then be only 5 weeks to the ‘do’ so time is imperative to get said trophies ordered and engraved!

Yours in Sport



  1. Gerry Greenwold Gerry Greenwold says:

    Hi Colsey Thanks for this. I achieved a Club Silver Standard in 5k, 10k, 10 miles and half marathon. Do you need the races and the times? Thanks again Gerry

  2. Lysia Jiggins Lysia Jiggins says:

    I’ve only got a silver for half marathon, so presume it needs to be minimum of 4 races?

  3. Kevin Slattery Kevin Slattery says:

    I have definitely got the bronze 5k and possibly for the 5 miles. I hope to get back to running close to or better than before lockdown so I can say I achieve the bronze standard. I will never get to silver or beyond!

  4. Jason Lilley Jason Lilley says:

    Hi Gerry.
    If you email Colsey with your races and times, he should be able to include them for you.

  5. Jason Lilley Jason Lilley says:

    Hi Lysia
    Yes, you need to complete any four of the six distances with qualifying times to achieve a club standard. They don’t all need to be done in the same year, but they do need to be achieved within the same age category.
    Hope that helps!

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