Club 5k Race Details – 17th February
9 February 2022 - By James Blackshaw
We are having our first club 5k race of the year on the 17th of February, at the Colchester Gateway track. This is a new venue for us, and should provide a flat and fast course, based on a 1km loop.
As with all our 5k races, this is open to all club members and is free of charge.
We have the track booked from 7pm to 8pm, so please try to get there slightly before 7pm, so that we can note your presence and give you a number, and then you can do a few warm up laps, before we kick off at about 7:15pm.
As always, we require some volunteers to help with lap counting and noting finishing times, so please let me know if you can help. Club champs volunteer points available of course.
So in summary then:
Location: Colchester Gateway, Cuckoo Farm Way, Colchester CO4 5YX
Date & Time: Thursday, February 17th, Race starts at 7:15pm
Distance: 5km
Please sign up below:
- Annie Johnson
- Patrick Hinchliffe
- James Montgomery
- Karen Flowers
- Owen Dare
- Sarah N
- Scott Darney
- Colsey
- Angela Wray
- Kerry Townsend
- Angela Read
- Claudia Baba
See you there,
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