Beyond the 5k – a 6 week Introduction to Club Running Course

2 September 2021 - By Jodee Mayer

– Are you keen to run with Witham Running Club but lacking confidence to come along?

– Have you started your own training by completing Couch to 5k or running at Parkrun?

– Keen to make the next step up in distance?

– Do you want to know how to safely bridge the gap between 5k and a WRC club run (around 5.5miles)?

–  Interested in joining in with a group when running – the social side of club running can do wonders for your motivation!

– Interested to learn how to stretch post run and warm up efficiently?

If the answer to these is ‘Yes!’ then we might have the programme for you.

Starting Tuesday 05 October 2021, a 6 week programme begins!

The programme includes:

– A led run on Tuesday nights, gradually increasing in distance from around 5k

– Coached warm ups and cool downs for Tuesday sessions, which you can apply in your own workouts

– Guidance on additional workouts to complete independently over each week

– Tips and guidance on running specific skills and techniques with a different focus each week

– A speed development session on the Thursday of week 5 (04 November 2021) to introduce you to different workout styles

– A timed 5km on the Thursday of week 6 (11 November 2021)

– No obligation to join as a member after the course (but you would be welcomed if you do decide to!)

The course will cost £10 which is to be paid online before the start of the course – go here **LINK REMOVED – SIGN UP FOR THE 2023 COURSE IS NOW CLOSED** and select “Intro to Club Running” from the drop down menu. The cost of the course will be taken off of membership should you decide to join up as a member during or after the course. Due to our reduced membership fees for the later part of the year this means your membership would be free until 31 March 2022!

Please be assured that there is no minimum required running pace to take part in the course.

The locations for each week of the course is as follows:

  1. Tuesday 05 October – Rickstones Academy, Conrad Rd, Witham CM8 2SD
  2. Tuesday 12 October – Rickstones Academy, Conrad Rd, Witham CM8 2SD
  3. Tuesday 19 October – Rickstones Academy, Conrad Rd, Witham CM8 2SD
  4. Tuesday 26 October – Rickstones Academy, Conrad Rd, Witham CM8 2SD
  5. Tuesday 02 November – Maltings Academy, Spinks Ln, Witham CM8 1EP
  6. Thursday 04 November – Speed Development Session at Eastways Industrial Estate (further details to follow)
  7. Tuesday  09 November – Maltins Academy, Spinks Ln, Witham CM8 1EP
  8. Thursday 11 November – Winter 5k at Freebournes Industrial Estate (further details to follow)

Please aim to be at the first session for 6.30pm for a chat and to complete any paperwork and all other sessions for 6.45pm so we complete our warm up before the club session starts at 7pm.

We look forward to hearing from you and starting you off on your next running journey!

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