27 December 2015 - By Stewart Waller
As Claire has already said our BD5 race was another great success in no small way thanks to her splendid organisation (despite rarely answering emails or texts Claire!) but also to the army of helpers who made it possible.
So to those who were putting up and taking down signs, setting up the start and finish areas, directing car parks, standing on street corners marshalling, leading the pack on their (his!) bike or sweeping in the comfort of their (her!) car, working in the kitchen and behind the bar, baking cakes, dishing out the race numbers, taking late entries and handing out ‘T’ shirts and water many, many thanks. Yes, we had a lot of favourable comments and I’m not aware of anything that may have gone wrong. We even had plenty of safety pins!
A few pics are now in the Gallery. Enjoy!
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