BD5 Marshals & Helpers
24 December 2015 - By Tracey Gibbons
Hi All,
Merry Christmas to you all.
The BD5 is now knocking on our doors and all the preparations are about to be put in to place.
Thank you to all those who have come forward and volunteered to help out, without the volunteers events like this could not take place.
If you have volunteered to marshal you will be needed please.
The following people have been allocated car park duties and will be needed to arrive by 9am please. (those that are running as well will be finished in time for the race)
Colin Short, Leo Cole, Ross Silverton, James Kennerley, Mike Struthers?, Mike Watkins
We still need a couple more people to help Naomi & Dave Emerick in the kitchen please!!
Please can all Marshals be at the football club by 10am at the latest and meet in the bar area for allocation of your marshalling point and reflective bibs then a briefing at 10.15. If you are able to help out earlier that would be great as I’m sure the set up crew can find us jobs to do.
If you are unable to help out after all please let me know ASAP to allow for reallocation of your marshall point.
Any quieries, please contact me ASAP.
Have a great Christmas day everyone and see you all on Boxing day.
Tracey Denby
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Thanks Tracey, see you there 🙂