BD5 – Marshalls and Helpers Still needed

21 November 2016 - By Liz Stuckey

Firstly, thank you to everyone who has come forward so far and volunteered their services for our BD5 race.

However, we still need more helpers. There are many jobs that need doing from course set-up, giving out numbers, teas and coffees and of course directing the runners.

So if anyone who has not yet come forward can spare a couple of hours or so on Boxing Day can you please let Alex or Liz know

We really appreciate everyone who is willing to help

Alex and Liz


  1. Giles Sowerby Giles Sowerby says:

    Hi, I don’t mind coming over and marshalling. Just let me know the details.

    Thanks, Giles

  2. Trevor Scott says:

    Hi Liz, Happy to help out so please put my name down. Thanks Trevor

  3. says:

    Hi Liz. I’m happy to help. Cheers Ian

  4. Leo Cole says:

    Hi Liz
    I can help out. If there is an early job eg. set up or car park duty etc then that would be good as I would quite like to also run if possible.

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