BD5 + 2

26 December 2017 - By Graham Eyre

Well another fantastic event put on by WRC. Well done to Bill the race director and everybody else who gave up their Boxing Day morning to make the race a fabulous success. Too many people to mention individually but a great turn out and it would not happen without you all.


I know a lot of you who helped today are going to do BD 5 + 1 tomorrow however for any who can’t make that or are eating/drinking and making merry this afternoon/evening we have an alternative. BD5 + 2 which as the title suggests will be two days after Boxing Day. So there is a meet at the sports centre car park at 10:00 am on Thursday 28th for a leisurely run around the BD course. I hope a few of you come along to keep yourself ticking over during this festive period.

Happy New Year everyone



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