Attention WRC Spring Marathoners!

26 March 2018 - By Scott Darney

The Witham and Braintree Times would like to put a piece together showcasing our spring marathon runners.

If you are running a spring marathon, be it London, Manchester, Brighton, Halstead or any other location in the U.K. or abroad over April and May, please can you respond to this post below or drop me an email at and answer the following questions:

Planned Marathon : (location & date)
No. Of previous marathons :
Marathon Goal : (this can be anything from a goal time, a qualification time ie Boston or London GFA, simply to finish, to have a great experience, to raise money for charity, to set a new PB etc but it does not have to be time related as running is not only about times!)

Feel free to add anything else relevant and add any photos that are also relevant but please keep it short so we can fit everyone in!




  1. Sylvia Bullen-Bell Sylvia Bullen-Bell says:

    I will be doing Brighton Marathon which will be my first one. I just wanted to say that I had done at least one challenging thing in my life. hope to finish at least by 51/2 hours. I have had some fantastic help from lots of club members to help me get to marathon day, three in particular, Karen Flowers, Sue Shippey and David Jobling.

    Sylvie Bullen-Bell

  2. Anthony Burrell Anthony Burrell says:

    I am doing the Virgin London Marathon next month, 22nd April, and this is my first ever! I had originally hoped to achieve a sub 5 hour time, but a knee injury has forced to me to reconsider so looking at 5.45 – 6 hours. I intend to fully enjoy the day, the experience and the crowds.
    I am running for Barnardo’s, a Charity close to my heart.

  3. Mark Finbow says:

    1 previous
    2.45 although setting a new senior club record of under 2.44:28 would be a bonus

  4. Mark Finbow says:

    Correction 2.44:24*

  5. Gavin Maclure Gavin Maclure says:

    Thanks Scott! I’ve sent the details you’ve asked for to your email address. I’m running the London Marathon and this will be my first marathon!!

  6. Charlotte Elms says:

    Planned Marathon: London 22nd April 2018
    No of previous marathons: 8
    Marathon Goal: To beat my dads time of 3.42 …

  7. James Crisp James Crisp says:

    Manchester – Apr 8th
    Target 1) to finish without collapsing; 2) Good for Age of under 3hr 15 for London; 3) to Finish the last 6 miles strong.

  8. Giles Sowerby Giles Sowerby says:

    Halstead 13th May.
    Previous Marathons 17.
    Target to improve on last years time, and possibly scrape a PB!

  9. Nik Bainbridge says:

    Halstead 13th May
    No of previous marathons: 0
    This will be my first and I’m hoping for a sub 4 hour finish

  10. rebecca booty rebecca booty says:

    Hi Scott
    I’m doing London 22nd April
    Previously done London 3x so this is 4th Marathon
    Marathon Goal – to raise £2000 for my charity Clic Sargent who help support children with cancer. Training has been awful due to injury and illness so hoping to get round in one piece !

  11. rebecca booty rebecca booty says:

    Hi Scott
    I’m doing London 22nd April
    Previously done London 3x so this is 4th Marathon
    Marathon Goal – to raise £2000 for my charity Clic Sargent who help support children with cancer. Training has been awful due to injury and illness so hoping to get round in one piece !
    Thanks Becky

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