5k Club Race – Tonight – Final Details for Runners and Volunteers

17 February 2022 - By James Blackshaw

Tonight’s 5k race is still going ahead as planned.

Venue: Colchester Gateway, Cuckoo Farm Way, Colchester, CO4 5YX

Time: Get there just before 7:00pm, collect your number, get warmed up, race start approx 7:20pm

Volunteers: Big big pre-emptive thank you to all those who are coming to help tonight: Jodee Mayer, Adam Regan, Mark Austin, Scott Darney, Beth Shippey, Kerry Irene, Dan Griffiths, Angela Read, Colin Short. If you could bring some paper and pens with you tonight it would be very helpful. 

Course: 1km loop. We have booked the whole track, but we are only using the bottom half (see pic below). We will hopefully have a marshal on the turn point. You will have someone counting your laps.


See you all there!


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