2021 Awards
16 February 2022 - By Bill smythe
This year we moved the awards dinner to Rivenhall Golf Club and once more had a fantastic evening with great food and better company. The annual awards dinner is always a great opportunity to socialise and share the successes of our members over the last year. Many thanks to our Social Secretary Beth Shippey for organising another great event.
2021 was another great year for the club despite the challenges of the pandemic. Congratulations to all our winners and nominees.
Award definitions can be read here.
Here is the list of the winners:
Award | Awarded to |
Best performance | Peter Coates |
Best Lady Runner | Rachel Dingley |
Best Male Runner | Peter Coates |
Peter Whiticker Cup | Peter Coates |
Brian Wiley Cup | Vicki Riley |
Jan Stobirski Essex Way Shield | Peter Banks |
Mike Henderson Award | Gerry Greenwold |
Brian Humbles Award | James Blackshaw |
Most Improved Runner – Male | Tom Ashley |
Most Improved Runner – Female | Natalie Lilley |
Best New Runner – Male | Shane Ketteridge |
Best New Runner – Female | Clarice Sanderson |
Club Person of the Year | James Attenborough |
Triathlete of the Year | Andy Notley |
Rookie Triathlete of the Year | Katie Layley |
WRC Recognition of Commitment Award | Brigid & Tony Wallen |
Results for 2020 available here
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