07/03/24 – Speed Development – 400/60/200/30

3 March 2024 - By Maxine Leech

This Thursday’s session is being held at Eastways industrial estate, please meet near Arnie’s Grooming Parlour (https://w3w.co/bleach.silence.blackbird) ready for a 7:30pm start having suitably warmed up beforehand. As always we will be doing some dynamic stretches prior to commencing the main session.

The session will be 400m and 200m efforts as follows:
400m at a pace similar to your 5k pace with 60 second static recovery, then 200m at a slightly faster pace, followed by a 30 second static recovery. We will repeat this for 30 minutes. There will be a two minute break after the first 15 minutes. The main aim is to keep the 400m runs consistent despite running the 200m with only 30 seconds recovery.

Please programme this into your watch so the distance markers will be done for you. If you don’t have a watch we will point out the distance markers on the night.

We look forward to seeing you on Thursday.
Kerry and Max.

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