05/09/23 – The Swan, Little Totham, CM9 8LB

3 September 2023 - By James Cooch

Penultimate pub run is at The Swan, Little Totham,  As usual we meet at 6:45 for a 7pm start.

Road route – 5.4M

The Swan, Little Totham – Road Route – 5.4m

Trial Route – 6M 

The Swan, Little Totham – Trail Route – 6m

There are narrative instructions for the road route, but not the trail route, the trail route was recce yesterday and there was just the one field which had been ploughed.

Very limited parking at the Swan, so please park considerately in the surrounding streets.

Please continue to support these pubs by staying for some food if you can, or buying a drink – it makes a big difference to them, and is a deciding factor in whether they’ll have us back again next year!

Finally as I mentioned last week, now we are into September and starting to loose light towards latter part of the run Hi-Viz and lights are now essential! Please remember that we are all ambassadors for the club so its important we wear the appropriate gear when running on a club night.

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